Connecting Patients and Providers- With David Berman, CEO of SlingShot Health

David Berman, Founder and CEO of SlingShot Health shares how his consumer facing website allows consumer to shop the price of procedures and services to engage in the healthcare process. Dr. Berman shares other tips on reducing wasteful healthcare spending on the newly renamed show, Spend Less on Healthcare with Dr. Josh Luke

Cancer U- Helping Families and Patients Cope with a Cancer Diagnosis

Founder of Cancer U, Andrea Wilson Woods is our guest to discuss caring for her sister in her final days of life and her book Better off Bald: A life in 147 Days on the Spend Less on Healthcare Show now featured on the Future of Health Radio Station on the Dash Radio Network.

Enabling Quality Care at an Affordable Price- With Kim Bond Evans, CEO of the Karis Group

Kim Bond Evans, President & CEO of The Karis
Group shares how she is fulfilling her personal mission to enable quality care at an affordable price on Spend Less on Healthcare Show with Dr. Josh Luke.

2019 Healthcare Affordability Year in Review

Host Dr. Josh Luke launches 2020 by hosting a “2019 Healthcare Affordability Year in Review and 2020 launch Episode” on the Spend Less on Healthcare Show with Dr. Josh Luke, now featured on the Future of Health Radio Station on the Dash Radio Network.

Nurse Kelley Johnson, Chief Nurse Advocate for Wanderly, Joins Dr. Luke on Spend Less on Healthcare

Chief Nurse Advocate for Wanderly, Miss California USA 2018 and social media influencer Kelley Johnson is the first ever guest on the newly renamed show, Spend Less on Healthcare with Dr. Josh Luke and shares how traveling and staff nursing agencies make sure hospitals and home health agencies have the staff to keep up during a surge. She also provides her millennial social activist perspective on where out of control healthcare costs fit in as a top threat to future generations.

EP31: Dr. Luke Relaunches His Show “Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room: The Healthcare Authority Podcast” Under a New Name!

Dr. Josh Luke relaunches his award winning show Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room: The Healthcare Authority Podcast under a new name to celebrate the addition of the show to the Future of Health Radio Network. The name of the new show is Spend Less on Healthcare with Dr. Josh Luke and each show we offer one quick tip to start saving on healthcare today, as well as feature great guests, partners and discount opportunities to start saving thousands annually on healthcare.

Co-Founder of Global 1 Scott Leggett

Co-founder of Global 1 Scott Leggett joins me in Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room: The Healthcare Authority Podcast to discuss Global 1’s network of surgery centers that offer bundled pricing.

Dr. Josh Luke Featured on ForbesBooks Radio

Tune in to hear Dr. Josh Luke interviewed on ForbesBooks Radio. Dr. Luke discusses his book Health-Wealth, 9 Steps to Financial Recovery.