EP10: Radio host and Health Coach Omar Cumberbatch

Radio host and Health Coach Omar Cumberbatch steps into Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room: The Healthcare Authority Podcast to share what motivated him to found The Health Coach Academy on Twitter @hcoachacademy

EP09: Stacey Richter, host of the Relentless Health Value Podcast

Stacey Richter, host of the Relentless Health Value Podcast talks about why the time is now for American businesses to declare the tipping point on the cost of providing healthcare benefits for employees.  Stacey shares what she’s learning in her role as Co-President of Aventria Health as early detection seems to be an emerging trend, and why the Chief Financial Officer of a company must be involved if the process of reducing corporate spending on healthcare benefits is to be effective!  

EP08: Nurse Deb joins Dr. Josh in Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room: The Healthcare Authority Podcast

Nurse Deb shares how her company partners with employers to serve as a resource for employees to enhance access to care and drastically reduce wasteful healthcare spending. Whether its chronic care management or personalized or preventative health, Nurse Deb is experienced in minimizing corporate healthcare spending while improving health!

EP7: Mark Metry, host of Humans 2.0 Podcast, named one of Apple’s Top 100 Podcasters, shares how personalized medicine tactics changed his life

Mark Metry, host of Humans 2.0 Podcast, shares how personalized medicine tactics changed his life for the better at the young age of 21. Metry made hundreds of thousands of dollars at age 15 by creating a Minecraft following. Metry discusses his personal experience with understanding nutrigenomics and the impact of the microbiome on an individuals health.

EP06: Benefits Adviser Matthew White Shares how his Frustration as a Pharma Sales Person led him to Pursue a Career as a Benefits Adviser

Health-Wealth Certified Benefits Adviser Matthew White of AHT Insurance shares his experiences as a pharma salesman early in his career and how the lack of pricing transparency in healthcare led him to make a calculated decision to change his career path to work as a benefits adviser to ensure employers had access to affordable healthcare. He shares why certifications like the Health-Wealth Certification & the Health Rosetta Bill of Rights set brokers and advisers apart for committing to transparency and integrity, and always putting the client first.

EP05:CBS News Anchor Jill Schlesinger of Jill on Money Talks about her new book, The Dumb Things Smart People do With Their Money

CBS News Anchor Jill Schlesinger of Jill on Money Talks about her new book, “The Dumb Things Smart People do With Their Money.” After finishing a grad degree in Economics from Wharton, Jill started her career on Wall Street before becoming a radio host, television news anchor, host of the Jill on Money Podcast and now a published author. Jill shares ideas on how to preserve your wealth!

EP04: Top Podcasters Series Amber Romaniuk host of “The No Sugar Added Podcast”

Find out why balance is a bigger priority than dieting as healthy eating expert Amber Romaniuk joins the program on this episode of Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room.

EP03: CNBC Health & Tech Reporter Christina Farr is Featured in the Influencer Series on Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room

CNBC Tech & Health Reporter Christina Farr tells How She Picks Story Topics from the Hundreds of Pitches Daily. Want to know which health tech products and companies are legit? Christina Farr is the one to follow. Listen into this podcast to hear why venture capitalist are missing on healthcare and why they have moved on to tech!

EP02: Health-Wealth Certified Enhanced Benefits Expert Eric Silverman Shares his Matching Employers with the Most Appropriate Enhanced Benefit Packages

Enhanced benefits Adviser of the Year Eric Silverman shares his personal story on how he emerged as a national leader on matching employers with the most appropriate enhanced benefit packages. You may have seen him talking enhanced health benies on LinkedIn or Twitter, now hear him on Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room!

EP01: Welcome to Dr. Luke’s Waiting Room

Longtime hospital CEO, award winning futurist, podcast host & three time best selling author Dr. Josh Luke welcomes listeners as he launches his new podcast focused on reducing healthcare spending for Americans and businesses, transforming healthcare delivery, and sharing personalized and preventative medicine tactics. Dr. Luke interviews benefits advisers, brokers, healthcare executives, human resources executives and social media influencers and together they share strategies to help Americans navigate the daunting healthcare delivery system.