Creating and New Healthcare Podcast Interviews Dr. Luke Affordable Healthcare with Dignity
The problem we’ll be addressing in this episode – which is of critical national significance – is the unsustainable burden of healthcare costs.
We’ll cover two major issues:
(1) tactics (particularly for employers) for avoiding unnecessary healthcare costs; and
(2) an approach to understanding and addressing a long-standing challenge in healthcare delivery – post acute care
If you’re not overly concerned about these issues, or don’t feel knowledgeable enough to be concerned, you should definitely listen to this interview!
Our guest this week, Josh Luke, is a nationally recognized expert in the post-acute care space, and on healthcare cost strategies in general. He spent 15 years as a hospital CEO and a senior nursing home administrator, so he has deep knowledge and an insider’s perspective.
Since leaving those roles, his mission has been to assist patients and their families in navigating the opaque archipelago of post-acute care; and to assist individuals & employers in learning how to manage the overwhelming costs of medical care.
Josh is a self-described “truth teller”. His honesty and openness are refreshing and much needed! As you’ll hear in this interview, he’s got some very thoughtful perspectives and bold recommendations on how the system needs to change to provide care that is safer, less costly and more dignified.
One example is Josh’s program, “Discharge with Dignity”, an initiative to ensure that patients being discharged from hospitals are given a reasonable option to return to their home; instead of being corralled into avoidable, lengthy and costly post-acute care facility stays. His protocol is being used across the country to train physicians and other providers.
Shifting to the employer perspective, Josh will discuss the focus of his most recently published book, Health-Wealth: 9 Steps to Financial Recovery. He’ll share specific tactics that employers can take to reduce unnecessary costs and optimize their healthcare spend.
He’ll also introduce us to his “3P’s”of becoming an “Engaged Healthcare Consumer”.
Josh sheds a revealing light and a helpful set of approaches to issues that have been hidden and confusing for decades. He is clearly purpose-driven and passionate; his perspectives are born of wisdom and backed by data; and his recommendations are forward-thinking, consumer-oriented, value-based and practical.
As always, I hope you get as much out of this interview as I have!
Audio Available here