Discharge with Dignity: For My Mom & Yours
Keynote for Case Managers and Social Worker events
Dr. Josh Luke is a healthcare futurist, a hospital CEO and a former nursing home and assisted living Administrator well known for his humorous and entertaining personal stories that engage audiences. His expertise includes sharing simple tactics on how post-acute providers can partner with innovative disease specific providers to increase revenues and market share. Dr. Luke designed the Discharge with Dignity Model, which is a discharge methodology prioritizing home based discharges and has been implemented by health systems throughout the country.
Dr. Luke is an Amazon best-seller, teaches post-acute healthcare policy at the University of Southern California, a published ACHE author and leads ACHE cluster sessions on new revenue streams for health systems in transformational health. He leaves as lasting impression as a high-energy and humorous keynote speaker. Luke developed the Discharge with Dignity case management tool, which is a guide for prioritizing discharging patients home when it is safe to do so.
Dr. Luke served as the keynote speaker for CMSA’s Annual Meeting in 2016 in Long Beach, Calif. and has spoken at several CMSA and ACMA state chapter annual meetings. Each appearance includes up to 250 complementary copies of his book Ex-Acute: A former hospital CEO tells all on what’s wrong with American healthcare. Luke also promotes all speaking events on four social media platforms, his radio show & podcast and has a healthcare executive mailing list of more than 200,000 opt-in subscribers nationwide he can utilize to market your event as well. He is guaranteed to be a hit and your highest rated speaker at the event!
Luke shares his faith and how it impacted his journey, and his presentations are always entertaining, humorous, and leave the audience feeling enthusiastic and informed. Luke, shares some of his early career stories in sports marketing as well as experiences as a young healthcare executive as they helped shape the leader he became as a hospital CEO. He founded the National Readmission Prevention Collaborative and is a social media influencer who writes for LinkedIn’s Healthcare Pulse.
- Attendees will understand the shift in control from the hospital sector to the insurance sector and how home based care will be the focus of the industry.
- Attendees will understand that hospitals are shifting from profit centers to the largest expense in a bigger model, and discharging patients home will be the first priority.
- Attendees will learn about the Discharge with Dignity Model, as well as new technologies allowing quick, safe transfers that enhance data capabilities.