• ASAE CEO Susan Robertson shares the one tactic Associations had great success growing membership during the pandemic.
  • Mary Lue Peck, CEO of National Speakers Association shares how difficult it was to find ways to support solopreneurs during the pandemic, and the tactics members used to thrive even while events were virtually non-existent.
  • ASAE CEO Susan Robertson points out that the pandemic brought to light many things that needed to be changed already but had not been. Now your associatiomay be at risk if you are still doing them.


Thank you to all the executives who participated in our first association roundtable.

  • Susan Robertson, President & CEO of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE).
  • Joseph Ricci, CAE, TRSA President & CEO
  • Mary Lue Peck, CEO, National Speakers Association
  • Donte P. Shannon, AMPED Association Management

Dr. Luke’s Showcase Video

While you’re here please take a few minutes to preview Dr. Luke’s newest Keynote for association audiences – SERENDIPITY: Pandemic-Lessons that Drive Value & Change